A New Me in 2023

We have all seen the ad campaign and slogan “A New Me In 2023.” A new year is upon is and that, of course means we are all supposed to make big new years resolutions to do things we have never done before, or conquer fears that we have been wanting to conquer , or lose 100 lbs! A new year can be exciting! It can feel like a fresh notebook with 365 clean white pages to write your story. To others it can feel like a daunting task to look at all that lies ahead of them.

2022 was a year of changes and accomplishments for me personally and professionally. Most notably was completing my health and wellness coaching program and passing the National Board exam and becoming a Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach. After going through this program it has made me think about the new year and resolutions very differently. In the past, My resolutions were always big and always included losing weight! I usually had some unattainable goal meant to be reached in an unrealistic amount of time. I realize now that I was making those resolutions out of hatred for myself rather than out of self love.

As a Health and Wellness Coach and energy healer I am approaching the new year differently this year and I invite you to do the same. I am a firm believer that we should always have goals, be it the new year or not. You may already have some goals in progress and just because it’s new years doesn’t mean you have to change or amend your goals. If you haven’t had anything that you have been striving for then maybe you can choose now as your spring board, but you don’t have to call them resolutions. Most people have already given up on their resolutions by February! I encourage you to start with some small attainable goals. Think about what it is you really want and then break it down into small manageable goals. If your goal is to lose some weight start by thinking about what gets in your way? Are you drinking your water? are you getting in exercise? are you eating healthful nutritious foods that fill you up? Then go from there. and choose ONE thing for the week. Maybe you decide you aren’t ready to start exercising but you only drink about 24oz of water a day and you want to increase that. I encourage you to start small by saying maybe you increase to 32oz for a few days, then 48oz for a few more days then get up to 64oz. Increasing slowly and incrementally will allow you to let go of the all or nothing mentality. My suggestion would be to write down your goal and track it, if you didn’t make your goal write down what got in your way and how you can change that for tomorrow, however I ask you to be kind to yourself in this process, don’t beat yourself up if you didn’t make your goal, use it as a learning experience.

Making goals can be an important first step in making any change in your life. I would encourage you to make your goals based on that of self love!, If your goal is to lose weight, don’t lose weight because you hate how you look, but rather lose weight because you love yourself enough to make goals to improve your health because you want to be a healthier person. If you want to make a goal to find a new job, don’t think about it in terms of, I hate my job, but rather, I want to find a job that fills my soul and life with purpose and is meaningful for me. Do you see how by just changing your wording you are being kinder to yourself?

So how are you going to start out the new year for yourself? What goals are you going to set for yourself? What feels good and doable for you? Whatever they are, be kind to yourself through the process and choose your goals out of self love!